AR Elektrik will participate in the most significant energy and electricity industry fair (Construction of Iraq) held in Iraq. We would like to invite you all valued partners to the fair held in Erbil International Fairground on May 24 – 26, 2022. You are able to access detailed information about our products by visiting our booth.
Son Yazılar
- Давайте встретимся в ETUK 2023 Измир 14 Şubat 2023
- CONSTRUCT IRAQ – Iraq’s Largest Construction Industry Fair 14-16 November 2023 14 Şubat 2023
- We participated in the WIN EURASIA fair organized by Deutsche Messe in Istanbul 5 Ağustos 2022
- We participated in the 2022 Football Tournament organized by TEİAŞ 4th Regional Directorate Youth and Sports Club and received our Plaque 3 Ağustos 2022
- As AR Elektrik we Participated in Iraq’s Largest Construction Industry Fair Held in Erbil 1 Ağustos 2022
- Наши мероприятия (12)
- Новости от нас (37)
- Представление продукта (1)